Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving 2005

The day before Thanksgiving was freezing! I took a day off of work and went shopping with a friend in Union Square and Soho. I needed many pairs of new boots. I was wearing the same pair that I had scuffed up pretty badly after just wearing them around the city for two months. They looked like I had been wearing them for years, and I was embarrassed to have them on all the time, but had no other boots to wear. I also needed some snow/ice boots so that I won't slip walking around when it starts to snow. I ended up buying two pairs of cute boots, but neither of them were snow boots. When my friend and I were in Soho, the wind was blowing so fiercely and freezing cold that I could barely keep my eyes open. Weather like this makes you never want to be outside. We ended up relaxing for the rest of the day in a coffee shop where it was warm and the wind wasn't constantly threatening to blow you away.

On the next day, the Boy and I caught some of the Macy's Thanksgiving parade on TV. We were planning on seeing it outside, but it was slated to snow (which it didn't) and freezing outside (which it was). The Boy spent the rest of the day making a 13 pound turkey while I made the side dishes: mashed sweet potatoes with brown sugar, and broccoli and carrots with toasted almonds. The turkey and sweet potatoes turned out great, and the gravy was even better! For dessert, we had ginger molasses cookies which I made the day before. This was the first batch of cookies that I have made that's ever turned out tasting like cookies. Among my friends and family, I'm known to make some of the worst cookies you could ever taste. My mom used to cringe every time I decided to try a new cookie recipe. I was so excited that I didn't end up with my usual panful of salty bread-like crumbs, that I didn't really care that the taste was a little unusual. The recipe, which I got from a cooking magazine, didn't get great ratings online. But at least the texture and color turned out great.


Blogger nance-n-france said...

i'm sure your cookies are wonderful! well, actually i wouldn't know never made any for me? :)

3:52 PM  
Blogger LANYTransplant said...

consider yourself lucky then

4:44 PM  
Blogger SuperLefty said...

congrats, congrats!!! aw, you don't need me anymore to make cookies well! we really are growing up! (behind on reading up on blogs, as you can tell)

10:01 PM  

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