Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Pennsylvania Foliage

The Boy's mom and sister arrived early Friday morning. Everyone met up this past weekend at the Boy's cousin's townhouse near Philadelphia. It was a full house: me, the Boy, the Boy's sister, mother, aunts and uncles, cousins and their babies.

It took about 2.5 hours to get to Westchester, PA from New York City. I dozed for about a half hour and admired the foliage the rest of the way. The leaves were at their peak and especially gorgeous with intensely red, orange and yellow leaves. The freeway was surrounded by forests the entire way with postcard-perfect scenery. One of my good friends who is originally from the East Coast laughs at my amazement toward autumn scenery. We just don't get that in LA.

They Boy's cousin's townhouse is huge! It is two stories high with a ginormous "basement" that gets a decent amount of light since an entire wall is made up of glass doors. It's a shame (and waste of space) that she uses it strictly as a storage room. It would require a tiny bit of work, but the Boy and I envisioned that it would make a great party room if she added a bar and pool table to one side and cleaned everything up. The "basement" opens up to a spacious, grassy backyard area including a small forest. The place is just gorgeous!

Shortly after arriving and mingling a bit, all of the youngins (me, the Boy, his sister, his cousin and her husband) went to do some wine tasting at a local winery and then to a restaurant for pre-dinner beers and bar food. We were careful not to ruin our appetites too much - the Boy's mom and siblings were preparing a huge feast back at the house including filet mignon steaks and about a dozen other side dishes.

The rest of the night was spent eating and mingling among relatives. I hung out mostly with the Boy's three year old niece since she was the most willing English speaker in the house and definitely the most adorable.


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