Monday, October 10, 2005

The Real Fall Changeover


It rained all day - poured actually. The weather was still a little humid. A little over a week ago we had one or two cold days, and I prematurely packed away my summer clothes and brought out my fall gear. I ended up taking my summer clothes right back out a couple of days later when it was so humid that my hair wouldn't dry at night even with a blowdryer. Gross! Anyway, this was the real last hot day. I stayed in, cleaned, napped and watched Kill Bill Vol.2 and SNL.


The rain went away and left behind chilly weather. The Boy and I went to a coffee shop to hang out. There's a couple of cool coffee houses in our area. DT/UT, which stands for Downtown Uptown was supposed to have a "Central Perk" on Friends feel. It's definitely a cozy place to hang out with a friend or two to chat and have a cup of coffee or tea. Mr. Rohr's coffee house, which is just down the street from it, is a better place to read or people watch. The Boy and I ended up staying there for a couple of hours. I finished Bringing Down the House, a true story about a bunch of MIT whiz kids who come up with a card counting scheme and make millions off of casinos all over the country.
Afterwards, the Boy and I headed downtown to the Century 21 department store to shop for coats. There were a lot of really nice, relatively inexpensive designer coats, but the sizes were huge and the place was a madhouse. So, we left and decided to walk towards Tribeca to find a place for dinner. We knew the general direction of where we should be going, but we didn't really know where we were going (at least I didn't, but what else is new?).
The walk was nice, and along the way, we stumbled across an architect's loft and workspace that was having an open house. It wasn't an open house because she was putting her place on the market - it was part of an annual program called Open House New York where various architectural design spots are open for the public to see. We hopped into the back of the line just in time, because we were the last ones allowed in. The place was really cool! I'd never been inside of a loft before. The lady designed the place, using whatever odds and ends she could find. She sawed off part of the second floor along with the beams that held it up and used the wood to make stairs and other things. The stairs had no railings - they were built along bookcases filled with books (her place was like a mini civic library) and attached to the bookcases at various places for support. This was definitely not a child friendly place. The bedroom on the second floor had a metal balcony with mesh floors and nothing but a couple of bars to "prevent" you from falling. The balcony overlooked a very aesthetically pleasing garden that used mirrors to bring light in. The bathroom was cool, although I'm not sure I'd like the lack of privacy too much. There was a glass wall that anyone could see through, and a cool sliding mirror that you could slide around to be in front of whichever sink you were using.
We ended up eating dinner in Chinatown and grocery shopping before heading home.


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