Friday, September 02, 2005

I Can Never Get it Right

The dress code at work is driving me crazy! Before I started, I knew I'd have to dress nicely. Since there was a constant, humid heatwave going on when I got here, I bought a bunch of work shells (sleeveless) and short sleeved work tops along with some open toed sandals from Ann Taylor, the Gap and Steve Madden for my summer work wardrobe.

About two weeks after I started, an e-mail with the company dress code attached (this was not in my welcome packet) was sent around, and the part with NO SLEEVELESS SHIRTS under any circumstances was printed in red and highlighted. So, after that I tried not to wear sleeveless shirts, and if I did, I always brought a pullover sweater to wear over it when I got into the office.

A little after that, there was a reminder that sandals were a banned item also. So, I bought new shoes which I leave in the office. There's so much walking involved in getting to work that almost everyone wears sneakers, sandals or flip flops during the commute and then changes into work shoes at work.

The weather is still hot here, and I've now just learned that today is the last day that people are allowed to wear short sleeved anything to work. After Labor Day, skin other than on your hands and face are faux pas.

I just know I'm going to screw this one up.


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