Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Yesterday, the Boy's coworker had tickets to a sold out Coldplay concert at Madison Square Gardens that he couldn't make. Surprisingly enough, he couldn't find anyone to give them to. Everyone at his work was so Coldplayed out from listening to the CDs over and over that no one wanted them. So, the Boy gladly stepped up and took them.

I was so excited! This was my first time going into Madison Square Gardens, my first time going to a real concert, and I was going to see Coldplay! The Boy's coworker got pretty good seats -front and center in the middle of the stadium.

The concert started at 7:30PM, but Coldplay didn't perform until close to 9:30PM. An opening band performed first for an hour. They weren't bad, but they were so loud that my ears went deaf, and we had to leave our seats for a bit. By 9:00PM, the stadium was packed! When Chris Martin entered the stage, everyone stood out of their seats, started clapping and cheered loudly.

The concert was great! Coldplay performs very well live, and at one point Chris Martin ran from the stage to the center of the stadium to sing! He was close enough to where we were sitting so that I could see his face very clearly!

The concert lasted until about 11Pm. They Boy and I left happy, deaf and smelling like weed from all of the smokers around us.


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