Friday, October 07, 2005


12:30PM: Lunch with a friend at the Aquagrill, known for really good seafood. I ordered the shucker's special which consisted of a bowl of manhattan clam chowder, half a dozen oysters and a mesculun salad. Mmm! The oysters were really fresh. My friend ordered a salmon sandwich which was also really delicious. I definitely recommend the Aquagrill to anyone who loves seafood.
9:00PM: The Boy and his friend finally stop by the apartment to pick me up for dinner. They told me they'd be over at 7:45PM. I was rushing to get home after work and clean myself up before they got here since I knew his friend wouldn't be able to find parking. I was starving.
9:30PM: Dinner at Cho Dang Gol in K-town. The lights were slightly dimmed and rock music was playing in the background. I thought sitting on the floor in front of a low table was a Japanese thing, but I guess not. We were the only people in the restaurant sitting at this type of table. The Boy and I thought it would be fun. His 6 foot (plus ?) friend went along with it and was constantly shifting positions. His legs would barely fit under the table, and he joked that Russians weren't known for flexibility. What about all of the gymnasts, ballet dancers and synchronized swimmers? It was pretty funny. We ordered bulgogi, a rice dish (sort of like bimbimbap), and a really spicy tofu soup thing. Their tofu was home made and very smooth. We washed this all down with beer and soju. We thought the staff was really funny (or maybe we were just drunk). Our waiter seemed to be in a bad mood and was hard to understand. He didn't really talk to us when he needed something, but would point and gesture instead. At one point, he noticed that the Boy's friend's beer glass was empty. Instead of going to the other side of the table to refill it, he started pointing furiously at the half full beer bottle. We thought he wanted it for some reason. The Boy's friend picked up the beer bottle to give it to him, and then the waiter, annoyed, started pointing at his glass. The Boy's friend poured the beer into his glass, and then the waiter walked away. We were eating slowly, talking and having a good time, when, all of a sudden at around 10:30PM, the lights came on full blast and the music shut off abruptly. Closing time. They weren't subtle about this. We finished up quickly and left. It started to drizzle as we took a little walking tour around Manhattan's tiny K-town area.
11:30PM: Off to the PussyCat lounge to see another of the Boy's friends perform with his band, GlassHouse. I was impressed. They were pretty good, much better than some of the start-up bands that I had seen in LA. The next performer, Marco Argiro, was also quite impressive. The Boy and I weren't planning to stay for him, but his friend couldn't find his instrument bag. So, as his friend searched all over for the bag, we got hooked listening to Marco sing. We stayed until he was done, and he actually noticed us and introduced himself to us! What a friendly, unpretentious performer!


Blogger SuperLefty said...

that's so neat! dunno about the korean restaurant though. sitting on the floor for meals is traditional, and i think some families in korea still do so. the waiter sounds funny. i think you were drunk too. ")

how does the boy know so many musicians? has he always gone to concerts at small venues? there are so many places i want to see with you when i visit.

5:19 PM  

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