Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Almost Lost My Shoe

A little after noon, I went out to run an errand and then buy lunch. I had to cross the street several times and wasn't watching exactly where my feet were hitting the ground ( I usually don't). At one point, I stepped over the top of a covered manhole, and my heel got stuck in a small hole in it. Thinking nothing of it, I gave my heel a gentle yank, but that didn't work. So, I yanked harder. Shit! My foot was stuck in the middle of the street. Each lady that passed by gave me an 'Oh, no!' with a sympathetic look. Argh! I knew better than to walk over the grid drains, but who would have thought you'd ever get your foot stuck in a manhole cover? So there, in the middle of the street, I took my shoe off and wrestled it out with my hands before putting it back on. Then, I walked off and tried to act like nothing happened.


Blogger SuperLefty said...

so you had a "wedding planner" moment a la jlo. ") that's amusing. i guess it does really happen! i am glad that you got your shoe out without problems though.

11:58 PM  

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