Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sunny Saturday

The weatherman said that it would pour today. It poured yesterday and all week long. Before all of the rain, the Boy and I were planning on driving to Massachusetts somewhere to see the foliage. But because it poured on Friday and was supposed to pour again today, the Boy left his car in Connecticut to avoid mad traffic since we decided to cancel our foliage drive.

Saturday morning came, and it was bright and sunny - not a drop of rain all day! I was slightly peeved. But, we weren't going to waste a nice, sunny day by staying inside. So, off we went to check out 'Alphabet City' on the Lower East Side.

They call it 'Alphabet City' because the streets are named by letters of the alphabet. It's an artsy area with a bunch of boutique shops. We spent most of the day ducking in and out of shops and browsing through the merchandise before having an early dinner at a local Indian restaurant.

Then we went home and watched our next Netflix movie, "Kung Foo Hustle." The Boy slipped it into the queque. It's a stupid movie. Don't ever rent it.


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