Monday, December 04, 2006

Behavioral Consequences of Being in a Drunken Stupor

The road to drunkenness leads to...

1) Excessive talking

Person X: So, tell me about yourself.

Sober you: I grew up in ____, currently live in _____ and do _____ for a living.
Drunken You: Well, I was born in 19xx in a suburb of Los Angeles called ____. I learned to walk when I was x, talk when I was x...(15 min later) and then when I was 7 my second grade teacher was _____...

2) Rude behavior

Person X: Heading home now? Alright, well have a good night!

Sober you: Thanks! You too.
Drunken you: Uhhuh, ok. Bye.

3) Premature laughing.

Person X: Knock, knock.

Sober you: Who's there?
Drunken you: Heeheehee. That's hilarious. Heeheehee. I can't stop laughing that's so funny!
Person X: But I haven't told the joke...
Drunken you: Ok, now my turn. Ask me if I'm a farmer...

4) If you're Asian, the Asian Flush

Luckily, this doesn't show up on my face as with most Asians, but rather on my stomach of all places!

5) Slurring of words, stumbling when not standing still and the urge to not hold still.

Word of advice: Let Person X get to know the sober you before the drunken you, unless you don't like Person X too much.


Blogger SuperLefty said...

hmm...this would be an interesting experiment. ") i don't think i've ever seen you drunk though.

4:20 PM  
Blogger ag127 said...

Haha, I didn't know you get the Asian flush on your stomach! :-D

9:57 PM  
Blogger LANYTransplant said...

Thank goodness the drunken me isn't all of these things at once! I discovered the Asian flush on my stomach recently. Looks kinda gross.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Morrissey said...

oh having trouble following the dialogue.....drunk at work eh?

10:25 AM  
Blogger LANYTransplant said...

Correction: drunk in training

10:38 AM  
Blogger Morrissey said...

"5) Slurring of words, stumbling when not standing still and the urge to not hold still.

Word of advice: Let Person X get to know the sober you before the drunken you, unless you don't like Person X too much"

2:41 PM  

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