Saturday, July 22, 2006


I signed the Boy and I up for salsa lessons a while back, and they started a couple of weeks ago. Every Thursday night at 8PM, we walk down the street for our group lessons. The lessons are fun, but of course there are about 15 girls and only about 6 guys to go around. I'm fine with rotating dance partners because you aren't supposed to get used to only dancing with the same person, but I do find it a bit annoying at times that I brought a partner to the lessons, yet find myself dancing alone most of the time. This is also the reason why most girls at the lessons barely perspire (we can choose to take breaks when we have no partner), but the boys find themselves a sweaty mess by the end.

Today, the Boy and I decided to stay in and practice salsa dancing. We found some Mexican salsa music on his IPOD and some Santana songs that had a salsa beat. Then we ran into walls, stepped on eachother's feet, kicked eachother's toes and fell over laughing until we got the moves right by the end of the night. We're getting there!


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