Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ugh! Rain!

Not much goin' on this rainy weekend. It sucks that the weather has been so nice (60-70 degrees) all week so that it could rain all weekend. I'll get out to go shopping with my Brooklyn friend tomorrow, though. The Boy's taking his GMAT next Friday, so next weekend will be full of fun activities! We have a reservation at Cafe Boulud on Friday, spa appointments on Saturday morning (my idea-I signed him up for a massage and booked a facial for myself), and will try to catch a movie at the Tribeca Film Festival afterwards.

The weather last weekend was nice. I went shopping with a friend one day, and then running in Central Park with the Boy the other day. Blossoms were blooming and flying all over the park. It was really nice to watch, but caused a bit of a problem for me when my running slowed down to a walk. I told the Boy to go on so as not to stop his momentum. A slight breeze sent blossoms flying everywhere and got into the eyes of a cyclist behind me. She couldn't see, and by the time she was able to open her eyes again, it was too late. She slammed right into me and knocked me down so hard that I couldn't stop my face from hitting the asphalt. Luckily, the damage was just some minor cuts and bruises. I was annoyed that my knees, which had finally healed from a rollerblading accident a couple of weekends before in SF, were now all messed up again. But all's fine now (well, with my face at least. still got a huge black bruise on the back of my leg where she hit me, and my knees still hurt).

The cyclists in NY are a bit annoying, though. They peddal like maniacs and don't always follow the rules of the road. A coworker's foot has been run over, and many times, the Boy has nearly been run over while crossing the street when they appear out of nowhere.


Blogger SuperLefty said...

what a crazy woman! if she couldn't see, why the heck didn't she stop? and doesn't she look ahead? sheesh. glad you're okay though. is your face okay?

and, you went rollerblading in sf? brave woman! where?

2:26 PM  
Blogger LANYTransplant said...

stupid woman's more like it. i rollerbladed from fisherman's wharf to the foot of the golden gate bridge. those two hills nearly killed me (not kidding).

i'll e-mail you the details later.

9:03 AM  

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