Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Probable Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions for My New Dentist

Q: Is it really true that you do a painless cleaning?
A: Yes, if I don't do too much work on your teeth, there's not a whole lot of pain I can cause.

Q: Do I have to endure a significant amount of chit chat and stupid jokes?
A: How else am I supposed to distract you into thinking that I've actually done something?

Q: Should I be a little concerned when you become audibly involved in figuring out my insurance (since no one on your staff was able to do it) and then loudly yell out "Done and done" to signify that you've finally gotten it?
A: Don't worry-everything's fine. Can I interest you in a stock purchase later on?

Q: What if nobody notices that I have a slightly receding gum line that requires special care during cleaning? It's been the first thing that all of my other dentists have noticed.
A: Hey, we're not mind readers here. If you know something that we don't, you're going to have to speak up!

I had my first dental cleaning in New York today. I got the recommendation off the website of my insurance that turned out not to be my real dental insurance. At first, I was a bit skeptical of ever coming back since his modus operandi was completely different from all my other dentists. But after the cleaning was done, the dentist told me that I had the most beautiful, cavity-free teeth he'd ever seen and that I owed absolutely nothing for the visit. Ahh, good, honest dentists are hard to find. I have my next appointment in six months.


Blogger SuperLefty said...

hahaha! you have the makings of a real comedian. too bad i only got to see you once on your visit back. "p and you reaffirmed my faith in your nerdiness...you actually typed out "modus operandi." i love it! ") hope to visit you soon!

12:41 PM  
Blogger LANYTransplant said...

I still can't see your blog.

2:14 PM  

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