The Cape
They Boy and I spent the Labor Day weekend in Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard. We left early Saturday morning for a four hour drive from New York City to Fairhaven, MA where our hotel was located. The drive was nice, as traffic was pretty light and the view scenic. The night before, the Boy and I packed a roadtrip feast of pretzels, cheeze nips, kit kat bars, egg salad sandwiches (deliciously prepared by the Boy), pasta salad (expertly prepared by me), peanut butter sandwiches, water and Odwalla bars. We checked into our hotel at around 10:30AM, and took a 20 minute nap before driving to Cape Cod to check out its various towns. The first stop a town in the Upper Cape called Sandwich, a museum town. Almost all sights and attractions in Sandwich were turned into a museum. They Boy and I aren't big museum people, so we just walked/drove around the town and took a bunch of pictures:

Next, we drove across the Middle Cape to Chatham to check out a lighthouse, walk around a quaint, little shopping area and splash around at the beach. Chatham is a cute place with a central shopping area/attraction reminiscent of a beach town. The place was trafficky, and we had to circle around to find parking. We hung around the shopping area a bit, popped in and out of a couple of stores and then decided to see their beach and famous lighthouse. It's funny how your perception of what's walkable and what's not differs so much from person to person. Not wanting to give up our parking spot only to look for another in an impossibly crowded area, we were hoping that someone would tell us that the lighthouse was a reasonable walk away. We asked a young lady in a convenience store, who told us that it was a little ways down the road. We asked how far, and she referred our question to an older gentleman who emphatically said that it was not walking distance. He estimated that it was two miles away, to which the young lady disagreed and said it was walkable. We left the two to argue and began the two mile hike to the beach. About 10 minutes (3-4 blocks) later, we were there. Two miles my ass! I don't know that it exceeded 3/4 of a mile. The beach was scenic, but it was a windy day. We dipped our feet into the water, and spent the rest of the time enjoying the views:

After this, it was back in the car for us as we headed out to Provincetown at the northeastern tip of the Cape. We made a quick stop along the way to see a famous lighthouse at Truro:
A short while later, we were at Provincetown-my favorite of all the little towns. Provincetown is a very lively, energetic beach town with lots of little shops and seafood restaurants. After I picked up a little saltwater taffy at one of the cute candy stores, the Boy and I were hungry for dinner and eyeing an extremely crowded lobster restaurant with a line out the door. We took a beeper and walked around for a little while until we got too hungry and opted to try out a highly recommended seafood shack (Frommer's) in Wellfleet called Moby Dick's. The Boy had an extremely fresh and meaty lobster, while I munched on fries and a juicy lobster roll. Mmmm! This concluded our tour of Cape Cod. The next day we'd take a ferry to Martha's Vineyard.

Next, we drove across the Middle Cape to Chatham to check out a lighthouse, walk around a quaint, little shopping area and splash around at the beach. Chatham is a cute place with a central shopping area/attraction reminiscent of a beach town. The place was trafficky, and we had to circle around to find parking. We hung around the shopping area a bit, popped in and out of a couple of stores and then decided to see their beach and famous lighthouse. It's funny how your perception of what's walkable and what's not differs so much from person to person. Not wanting to give up our parking spot only to look for another in an impossibly crowded area, we were hoping that someone would tell us that the lighthouse was a reasonable walk away. We asked a young lady in a convenience store, who told us that it was a little ways down the road. We asked how far, and she referred our question to an older gentleman who emphatically said that it was not walking distance. He estimated that it was two miles away, to which the young lady disagreed and said it was walkable. We left the two to argue and began the two mile hike to the beach. About 10 minutes (3-4 blocks) later, we were there. Two miles my ass! I don't know that it exceeded 3/4 of a mile. The beach was scenic, but it was a windy day. We dipped our feet into the water, and spent the rest of the time enjoying the views:

After this, it was back in the car for us as we headed out to Provincetown at the northeastern tip of the Cape. We made a quick stop along the way to see a famous lighthouse at Truro:

glad you finally posted these pics. absolutely beautiful!
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