Saturday, July 09, 2005

Almost Missed My Flight

I made it to New York (barely)! Last night I caught a 10:40PM redeye to JFK. Normally, I get to the airport with so much leftover time that I'm bored to tears waiting for the plane to take off, but last night things were a bit different (my first time on Delta) :

8:45PM: I arrive at LAX with 3 huge luggages, each about 2/3 my weight.
9:00PM: Finally have all of my luggage in a cart and proceed clumsily over to the Delta baggage check in.
9:15PM: Have my boarding pass, and my bags are checked in.
9:16PM: Take all of my bags to drop off at the image scanner. This is where Delta's ridiculous inefficiency lies. Every single airline I've flown has always thrown my bags on the moving belt behind them after I check them in and get my boarding pass. Delta's idea of checking in bags means slapping a sticker on it and then sending you into a neverending line to do nothing else other than drop your bags off to a backlogged bag collector.
9:25PM: Waiting in line. A lady behind me who has been eyeing my 'bodybag' full of clothes
curiously and somewhat nervously asks what's in it. I can't tell if my answer appeases her or not.
9:40PM: Still in line.
10:00PM: Finally my bags are dropped off, and I'm off to get myself scanned through!
10:05PM: Waiting in line. It's a busy travel night, and I'm beginning to freak out because my flight boards in 5 minutes, and I'm still close to the back of the line.
10:20PM: Finally, I get through the scanners, but my purse sets off the sensors. A lady pulls me over to the side and tells me that she has to check my purse. Among other things, she pulls out a small packet of salted plums in my purse and proceeds to tell me how she loved to eat these as a child, but shouldn't be eating these anymore because of the empty calories. I feel myself getting kind of irritated with her, but hide it.
10:28PM: I'm pretty sure that I've missed my flight by now, but I bolt out of the security area to the gate lugging my purse, camera bag and a 10 pound laptop anyway. Of course my gate is at the very end of the terminal.
10:35PM: The gate is still open! I made it!


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